What is accreditation?
- This is a prerequisite for accessing the simplified funding opportunities for Erasmus+ mobility activities for pupils and staff.
- Is based on the Erasmus Plan, which is part of the organisation’s development project and adheres to Erasmus+ quality standards to guarantee high-quality preparation and implementation of mobility and recognition of learning outcomes for participants.
- Valid for between 2 and 7 years, depending on our objectives.
- Opens up the possibility of applying annually for Erasmus+ funding for mobility.
A brief history
2021-22: 13 placements for trainees / 9 placements for teaching and non-teaching staff
2022-23: 12 placements for trainees / 13 placements for teaching and non-teaching staff
2023-24: 18 placements for trainees / 8 placements for 10-day students / 7 placements for teaching and non-teaching staff
Key actions 1 mobility of individuals
Possible actions
- Individual mobility periods for learners to undertake periods of learning within an efp organisation or in a company (work placement)
- Participation in skills competitions
- Periods of observation of education, teaching or training practices (structured courses), for all teaching and non-teaching staff
- Hosting a european expert to provide specific training in a company or within the accredited french organisation or one of the member organisations of the consortium